The Lumgair Family

Yes, bring your dogs with! I love the authentic moments that happen when pets come along. They don’t sit still, and I am not gonna lie, its hard work. But the fun and beauty they bring with them is so rewarding. I was stoked when the Lumgair family told me this was a family session focusing on their daughter and their dogs, I was stoked. I think these images will be fun, happy memories that they will cherish forever.

If you are thinking of bringing your dogs along, here are a few tips I have learn through the years.

  1. Bring them on a leash. Dogs get very excited in new environments, and some may run off in wide open spaces when they get overwhelmed by the new smells and freedom.

  2. Treats always help. Some dogs react to treats, some don’t. But generally, treats get their attention.

  3. Toys. At this particular shoot it was a squeaky chicken that did the trick.

  4. Extra change of clothes for yourself, just incase. Muddy paws are bound to happen.

  5. Don’t expect perfectly posed images. Let them be free and we will capture the natural moments!

  6. Have fun, and be yourself!

I trust that you will enjoy this beautiful session. I did.